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Keyboard events

Same as with the mouse, when a key is pressed an event is generated: pygame.KEYDOWN. To know which specific key it is, we compare it with the possible options. For example:

for event in pygame.event.get():
    if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
        if event.key == pygame.K_q:
        elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
            print("You pressed LEFT")
        elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
            print("You pressed RIGHT")

This is what the program does:

  1. It loops through every event in the event queue.
  2. For each event, it checks if it's a keypress.
  3. If it's a keypress, it will check what key it was, asking one possibility at a time:
    • If it's the Q key, it closes the program.
    • If it's the left arrow key, it prints "You pressed LEFT".
    • If it's the right arrow key, it prints "You pressed RIGHT".

Each KEYDOWN event comes with a key, telling which key it was that the player pressed.

Inside pygame there are a bunch of things that represent each key, and we can use to compare. For example, pygame.K_q represents the 'Q' key in the keyboard. To know if the player pressed this key, we compare it with event.key, like this: event.key == pygame.K_q. If instead we want to know when the left arrow key was pressed, with compare with pygame.K_LEFT.


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