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We have written a bunch of code so far, and our program is starting to look a bit confusing. There's a lot going on, and it can be difficult to read. Maybe you understand it well now, but if you leave it for a week or two and then come back, you'll have forgotten part of it. You'll have to read it all of it again to remember where you were. Also, if you decided to team up with someone else to develop this game, they'd have to figure it out from scratch, reading all that code.

At this point, we should take a step back for a moment and see how we can tidy this up. Neater code is easier for us and others to understand and extend. One tool to help us with this is functions.

Repetitive code

To understand functions, it's better to go by example. Have a look at this chunk of code from our game:

if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
    player.x = player.x - 5
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
    player.x = player.x + 5
if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]:
    player.y = player.y + 5
if keys[pygame.K_UP]:
    player.y = player.y - 5

This code checks if specific keys are pressed, and then moves the player horizontally or vertically. It's a bit difficult to read though. One possible improvement would be to write it like this:

if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
    move_x(player, -5)
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
    move_x(player, 5)
if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]:
    move_y(player, 5)
if keys[pygame.K_UP]:
    move_y(player, -5)

Here we have changed the operations so that now they look like something that can be easier to read: move_x and move_y. But where do those instructions come from?

Those instructions are "function calls", and they don't exist yet. If you try to run the game now, it will break because it doesn't know what move_x and move_y mean. We need to define what they mean. We need to create functions with those names.

Defining and using functions

Add this to your program, near the top but after the import lines:

def move_x(sprite, change):
    sprite.x = sprite.x + change

This is an example of a function definition. It reads like follows:

  1. def indicates that this is a function definition.
  2. move_x will be the name of the function. Later we'll use it elsewhere in our code by writing "move_x something something".
  3. Next, between round brackets, comes a list of the information that the function needs to do its work. In this specific case, we need two pieces of information, which we call sprite and change.
  4. Finally we have the "body" of the function, which is the part where we do math with the sprite and the change.

How do we use this? Well, wherever you had something like this:

something.x = something.x + something_else

You can now instead write this:

move_x(something, something_else)

That is called a "function call". It goes like follows:

  1. The function move_x is "called" and given two pieces of information: something and something_else
  2. The program jumps to where the function definition for move_x is.
  3. At the function definition, something becomes sprite, and something_else becomes change. These are the two pieces of information that the function expected.
  4. The function runs the code in the body: sprite.x = sprite.x + change.
  5. When the code in the body ends, the program jumps back to the place where the function was called from.

A quick challenge

Write the function move_y, and use it in the code, same as we have done with move_x above. Run the program to check it works.

Reusing functions

In the example above, the functions move_x and move_y are used twice each. Functions can be used and reused in many locations, as long as they make sense. For example, we can use move_y in the code that moves the stars. Initially, that code looks like this:

for star in star_list:
    if star.y > SCREEN_HEIGHT:
        star.y = 0
        star.x = random.randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH)
        star.y = star.y + star.speed

Pay attention to the last line. It reads:

star.y = star.y + star.speed

This fits the following template:

something.y = something.y + something_else

And therefore, it can be rewritten using the function move_y, like this:

move_y(star, star.speed)

So the code to move the stars ends up reading like this:

for star in star_list:
    if star.y > SCREEN_HEIGHT:
        star.y = 0
        star.x = random.randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH)
        move_y(star, star.speed)

That reads a little bit better. Not a whole lot better, but it's definitely an improvement. Step by step we can make the code easier to understand.

Functions that call other functions (that call other functions)

So far, we have created functions that we use in the main body of our code. We can also use functions inside other functions, without limit. Let's carry on tidying up the code and see what this means.

This is a piece of code that we could make clearer, it moves all the stars down, bringing them back to the top when they touch the bottom:

for star in star_list:
    if star.y > SCREEN_HEIGHT:
        star.y = 0
        star.x = random.randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH)
        move_y(star, star.speed)

We can can move it all into a function, pretty much verbatim:

def move_stars(star_list):
    for star in star_list:
        if star.y > SCREEN_HEIGHT:
            star.y = 0
            star.x = random.randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH)
            move_y(star, star.speed)

And then we simply call it like this:


Make that change to the code. Do you know where the above goes?

Note that now we have a function move_stars that calls another function move_y. We are using a function within a function, and that's fine.

In fact, many other things we are using in our code are functions too: random.randint, pygame.display.set_mode, screen.blit, etc. They are just functions that Python and Pygame provide by default.


Was all this worth it?

If you completed the challenges, you should have a section of code that looks very similar to this:

draw_stars(screen, star_list)
draw_sprite(screen, player)

This is much easier to read and follow than we had before, and makes the while loop shorter. It may feel like we have swept the code under the carpet, moving it to functions. This is partly true, but now each of the functions is also easier to read and has a clear title (the name of the function) that describes what it's supposed to do.

Going forward, we'll want to use functions as often as possible. They make programming much easier, even if first we have think a bit more about how to best take advante of them.